JSF campaign banner - Building a brighter future for all

A Stronger Jamat Starts with You

The Jamati Services Fund helps build resiliency within our Jamat and ensures that every member of our community has the opportunity to overcome challenges and hardship. It also allows us to commemorate festivals and other milestone events together.

We thank all Jamati members for their generosity.


Monthly pledges can be changed or cancelled by e-mailing jsf@iicanada.net or calling (416) 646-6965 Ext. 2032.


Areas of Support During COVID-19

Jamatkhana Re-Openings
Jamatkhana Re-Openings
Purchase of Personal Protective Equipment
Purchase of Personal Protective Equipment
Infrastructure for Jamati Access Line
Infrastructure for Jamati Access Line
Emergency Support
Emergency Support
Skills & Employment Services
Skills & Employment Services
Digital Programming
Digital Programming